Out today: the first Debian Stretch release of the Raspberry Pi Desktop for Windows and macOS, and the latest version of Raspbian Stretch for your Pi.
Mar 26, 2018 · Cross Compiling For Raspbian 4 minute read As promised in the previous blog post I will outline how we can leverage multiarch in order to speed up the compilation process for the Raspberry Pi. Last Update: 2019-11-15 I just made a .deb package with Omada Controller 3.2.4 for Debian, Raspbian and any other Linux system providing the dpkg installer. This .deb package is in the tradition of the community version of Omada Control A couple of important changes to Raspberry Pi's default operating system explained. A new update of Raspbian brings some exciting new programming tools, including the user-friendly Thonny IDE, and Scratch 2.0 for the Raspberry Pi. If you head over to the downloads page, you’ll find new versions of our Raspbian image and Noobs installer. Alongside the usual firmware and kernel improvements, major changes to the Raspbian image include: Java updated to JDK 8 Mathematica… Update – bug fixes Some users have reported problems with the main menu crashing since installing the Pixel update. This has been traced to a bug in the icon handling code for the menu which has now been fixed. I installed from a clean install of Raspbian using the script below, which seems to build OK, but I can’t see why ffmpeg crashes,
Mar 26, 2018 · Cross Compiling For Raspbian 4 minute read As promised in the previous blog post I will outline how we can leverage multiarch in order to speed up the compilation process for the Raspberry Pi. Last Update: 2019-11-15 I just made a .deb package with Omada Controller 3.2.4 for Debian, Raspbian and any other Linux system providing the dpkg installer. This .deb package is in the tradition of the community version of Omada Control A couple of important changes to Raspberry Pi's default operating system explained. A new update of Raspbian brings some exciting new programming tools, including the user-friendly Thonny IDE, and Scratch 2.0 for the Raspberry Pi. If you head over to the downloads page, you’ll find new versions of our Raspbian image and Noobs installer. Alongside the usual firmware and kernel improvements, major changes to the Raspbian image include: Java updated to JDK 8 Mathematica… Update – bug fixes Some users have reported problems with the main menu crashing since installing the Pixel update. This has been traced to a bug in the icon handling code for the menu which has now been fixed.
OpenCL implementation running on the VideoCore IV GPU of the Raspberry Pi models - doe300/VC4CL This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to install OpenCV 3 with Python 2.7 and Python 3+ bindings on your Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian Jessie. Today I give a try to compiling OF 0.9.8 in the new release raspbian stretch and it didn’t successfully compile the dependencies. A new release of Raspbian GNU/Linux for Raspberry Pi systems is available. I have made upgrade installations, as well as clean installations, and here are the results. Some (later) Ubuntu versions include Kodi built by Ubuntu themselves. If you have installed Ubuntu Kodi, please remove the packages "kodi kodi-bin kodi-data" before trying to install team-xbmc PPA packages.
It includes a variety of useful operating system images (including Raspbian), and really simplifies the process of installing them. You're presumably running the latest version of Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi. But is it the best Linux distro for the device? Could there be an alternative that you might find suits you better? On the Pi 1 Model B+ and later models the USB/Ethernet chip contains a five-port USB hub, of which four ports are available, while the Pi 1 Model B only provides two. We're releasing the latest version of Raspbian today, including a first-boot setup wizard, new PDF viewer, and new Recommended Software installation feature. Update your Pi now! Hopefully the dust has now settled on the first batch of changes to the Raspbian desktop which were made available at Christmas, and you’ve either a) decided you like them, or b) decided you hate them and have rolled back to a previous… No exciting new hardware announcement to tie it to this time, but we’ve just released a new version of our Raspbian image with some (hopefully) useful features. Read on for all the details of what has changed… Bluetooth When the Pi 3…
Before download: Use your old version of Gramps to backup your Family Debian, Add/Remove Software, Debian 8 ("jessie")(old old stable): Gramps 4.1.1